Step 1: Determine Your Eligibility

Familiarize yourself with our mission, read our Resources & FAQ page, watch a webinar, or check out our recently funded grants on our NEWS tab.

Watch a Webinar

Step 2: Schedule an Intake Meeting

Since our grants are invitation-only, schedule an intake meeting to discuss your project with a member of our team. This is your opportunity to present your pitch and potentially receive an invitation to apply along with a suggested funding amount.

Schedule an Intake Meeting

Step 3: Schedule a Site Visit

Only organizations that align closely with our mission will receive an invitation to apply. While we accept national grant applications, preference is given to non-profits based in the Greater Philadelphia area. Only organization within a 30-mile radius of Chester County, and who have been invited to apply for $50,000+, should schedule a site visit prior to submitting their grant. 

Schedule Site Visit

Step 4: Apply

Complete your application online by the last day of the month. We maintain a rolling deadline and review process to ensure a swift response. Please allow 2-3 months for your grant to be reviewed. 

Grant Application

Step 5: Report & Renew

All grants require interim and final reporting. Provided that stewardship, acknowledgment, reporting, and matching requirements are met, you may be invited to reapply.